This is officially my first kind of post like this, and you know what folks? I am so excited.
Growing up, there was a real disconnect between my spirituality and physical acts of worship because I really didn’t know where I was and who I wanted to be. But, the older I get, the more I realise that I want to be for others who I needed as a child. Part and parcel of being this person for me is definitely being able to create resources and opportunities that are accessible for all, and so over the past week (possibly more, I’m still in holiday mode okay, don’t judge me), I have been working alongside a wonderful friend of mine to create a Ramaḍān Planner.
What originally started out as a habit tracker, spiralled (okay, not quite spiralled, that makes it sound like a negative thing and it absolutely isn’t) into a fully blown planner that can be used throughout the month to both keep on top of our acts of ‘ibādah (worship), and remind ourselves that the month is in fact one of the Qur’ān. And folks, if there’s anything you will have learnt about me by now, it is this: I don’t do anything by halves. And so, ladies and gents, below you’ll find a link to a planner that has been made to keep us in check during the blessed month of Ramaḍān. It is absolutely free for you to download and share amongst those whom you hold near and dear (and those you don’t, I’m not judging, I promise). The only thing I ask of you is that you make a small prayer for all those behind the making of this planner.
May Allāh ﷻ allow us all to reach the blessed month of Ramaḍān in a state of taqwā and grant us the ability to remain steadfast in His way for all the days of our lives. May He put barakah in all that you do, and most importantly, may Allāh ﷻ guide us all onto the enlightened path of emulating Rasūlullāh ﷺ to become righteous believers. Āmīn Yā Rabb-Al Alamin.
Tag me on Instagram or drop me an email, I’d love to see your planners in use!