More often than not, I find myself sat there thinking about the periods of my childhood where I didn’t have access to the sheer number of electronics I do now. And the truth is, as much as I love having the world at my fingertips, I kinda miss being able to switch off. I miss being able to disconnect the outer world from the inner one, but most of all, I miss not having access to everyone’s versions of realities all at once. But, let me make this clear, I’m not slating the technological advances we’ve experienced because Lord only knows that I’ve met some of the greatest people in my life through these means, but there comes a point where you start to lose sight of what’s right in front of you because of all the other lovely things there are to see in the world.
And here’s the thing: if we are always spending time focusing on what we don’t have, we will inevitably lose what we do. The happiness we constantly seem to be searching for is usually staring us right in the face, but we’re so busy chasing it elsewhere that we don’t even notice that having the most amazing relationships on earth start with treating the people in our lives like they are the most amazing people on earth.
Just like flowers need sunlight and water to blossom and retain their beauty, people require love, honesty, respect, trust, passion, and energy to keep them beautiful too.
So, I guess what I’m saying here is this – learn to isolate the virtual world from your expectations of reality. That cute instaworthy date you see, the fly outfits they’re wearing, or even the way food is presented – it is all only a millisecond of someone’s day. You cannot expect perfection when those that you are trying to emulate themselves do not live up to this standard. Let yourself breathe and live a life that is authentic to you, and all those whom you love.
Your life is not a curated feed. And you, are not the master of all things perfect.