I always hate that I let myself go so long before posting something when in actual fact, I love this blog and it is essentially my baby. But the thing is, 2018 has been treating me well so far and I refuse to let myself think about it too hard just in case I start to see the cracks beginning to widen. I mean, don’t get me wrong, crazy things have happened this year and really thrown me off bat, but there has been more good than bad and I am determined to be more embracing of the present moment than let worries consume me.
The years that have passed me have seen me so consumed in worries of the things that have happened and those that will that I oftentimes found myself paralysed by the fear of a good moment lasting only a fleeting moment before all the bad comes crashing down. But, this year has been so different. I let the sadness wash over me. I let myself grieve. I let myself mourn. I let the hurt consume me and weigh heavily on my bones. And then I move on. I move on. I remind myself that with each rising sun is the opportunity to give birth to a whole new version of myself, and I do it. I shed the weight of the burden that is grief and sadness, and I walk into the day a new person. And it has been liberating.
I feel liberated.
Beautiful, true, inspiring